Saturday, June 13, 2009

Weight loss Food Pyramid Made Simple

How to losing weight is difficult for everyone. Would not it be nice if there was weight loss maintenance magic: eat only the loss of fat? Unfortunately, not all food. However, some food pyramid.

1. Choose food pyramid that you like. After the cabbage soup is a great mistake if you do not like the taste of cabbage. The same with fish, tofu and other of "weight loss food pyramid." If you do not eat and no place to get to the food basket. Similarly, in turn, thin bars or shakes if they do not like. It ends with him as a punishment and reward "for you later with other less nutritious fare. The foodpyramid is to taste.
This does not mean that we can not experience. There are countless recipes available, many low-fat grasses in carbohydrates and calories. There are many recipes for healthy food pyramid versions of dishes that are very bad. Recherchele site to see the new recipes that combine food pyramid with weight loss ingredients, you know that you want.

2nd Follow the food pyramid in the United States. The food pyramid is a family very reasonable approach to choose the best for your body nutrients. Although there is no weight loss food list, follow the pyramid, you eat more nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein, delete fat, sugar and salt. Other guidelines for the food pyramid and lose weight.

3rd Ways to satisfation their cravings. Do you want a nutrition ? Then in the month of May is that your body needs more than dairy products. Think about what items have recently eaten - is short on dairy? If so, take a piece of cheese with low fat content, however. Similarly, if I want candy are: have a piece of fruit fresh , instead of sweets. Although not a slimmer bed, the result is much better for you that the dirt in vending machines, however, able to satisfy your thirst sweet.

4th Drink water before eating or drinking something. salud many think like most people the feeling of hunger (stomach growling, etc.) are signs of dehydration. So if you think you're hungry, drink water before doing anything else. If non there is such thing as a weight loss of food is the water that fills and dumps the excess fat and calories in your system. Fat, carbohydrate and calorie free.

5th your budget. Very often the last fat food pyramid on the market can be costly. KNhora producers of food that almost everyone wants to lose weight and price to be paid for this. If the latest regime miracle berry potion or is too expensive, do not buy it. People were able to perder weight and maintain it, often before the products on the market, you should.
Choose foods that contribute to food is simple: go for reasonable portions of protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food pyramid and the second part. If you eat healthy food pyramid (and eat only when you're really hungry), you lose weight.


5 Keys To Great Health

I want to welcome all the females and the males out there with a first post that pertains to both sexes. Its true, men and women are different is can be, in appearance, in the way we think and act, we're simply hard-wired that way. But the bottom line is: we're all looking to improve our health and there are some things that we can all do to get healthier together. Today, I'm talking specifically about physical health–preventing aging and chronic disease and losing weight. Here are my top 5 health tips for both men and women that all have added health bonuses that make them my all time faves. Here we go…
Water. Yes, we all know we're supposed to get 8 glasses of it per day but I'm always amazed when I realize how critical it is to our daily functioning. Without proper hydration, our concentration and focus plummet. We need water to feel alert and for our livers to flush toxins and fat out of our bodies. Of course, water keeps bowels moving regularly and this is also key to preventing disease and keeping weight down.

Omega 3. I especially love them in the form of Fish or Cod liver oil, that form of Omega 3's are ready for the body to use and prevent heart disease, reduce blood pressure, help varicose veins, improve circulation and reduce blood triglyceride levels. Omega 3 is also beneficial for those with depression and cancer as well. Added bonus: helps you lose weight, especially when already exercising.

Calcium/Magnesium. Again, we know this dynamic duo to be essential to building strong bones, but they do oh so much more. Magnesium helps with constipation, leg cramps, hypertension, and kidney stones and calcium eases insomnia–and both help with nerve function, which is great if under stress. Plus both play a role in assisting in weight loss as well. Who couldn't use deeper sleep and to lose a pound or 2?

Fiber. This sounds like one for older folks but each and every one of us could use the gentle internal brushing that fiber provides for us. Fiber absorbs excess fats, preventing their absorption (and again, helping in weight loss) and has benefits for colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes. And you easily get it from foods, so no need to purchase supplements.

Protein. There's tons of research out there these days on the importance of getting good quality protein in the diet. From stabilizing blood sugar to promoting the building of muscle to helping with weight loss, high-protein is the new low fat.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

10 Ways To Get A Better Nights

by: Aleksandr Nasteka

Sleep. Everyone knows what it is, but nowadays, nobody gets enough: school, work, kids, sleep disorders, and more, all keep us from getting those precious hours of sleep our bodies so desperately need. 70 million Americans are affected with sleep disorders, and because of the economy a third of Americans are losing sleep. So in this troubled time of laying in bed trying to go to sleep, let’s shed some light on how to sleep better.

1. Make sure your bed is right for you.

Ah, the bed. The place our enchanted rest takes place. First of all you need to make sure your mattress is nice and soft, but firm. If you feel the springs, or fall into the middle of the bed, hey you get to buy a new mattress. Second, make sure your pillow is just right, not too high so that your neck hurts, but not too flat, so that your head is flat. Make sure you have blankets in layers, so if you get hot you can take a blanket off, or if you’re too cold you can add one.

2. Make sure your room is in good condition for you to sleep.

To be able to sleep in your room you have to make sure that the temperature is good, cool would be your best option, 65-72 degrees Fahrenheit, but it really depends on the person. Also, make sure there are no lights on, including those from LED lights.
3. Don’t eat too much before sleep.

If you eat too much before you sleep not only will your stomach work and make you more awake, It may also give you indigestion, since you’re laying down after eating.

4. No social or recreational drugs.

This means no alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Caffeine, which can stay in your system as long as 14 hours, increases the number of times you awaken at night and decreases the total amount of sleep time. This may subsequently affect daytime anxiety and performance. The effects of nicotine are similar to those of caffeine, with a difference being that at low doses, nicotine tends to act as a sedative, while at high doses it causes arousals during sleep. Alcohol may initially sedate you, making it easier to fall asleep; however, as it is metabolized and cleared from your system during sleep, it causes arousals that can last as long as two to three hours after it has been eliminated. These arousals disturb sleep, often causing intense dreaming, sweating, and headache. Smoking while drinking caffeine and alcohol can interact to affect your sleep dramatically. These sleep disturbances may be most apparent upon awakening, feeling unrefreshed, groggy, or hungover.

5. Eating or drinking certain kinds of food or liquids can help you go to sleep.

If you have a little milk, yogurt, turkey, chamomile tea, ice cream, soy beans, tuna or peanuts before bed it’ll help you go to sleep. How? All these food have a good amount of Tryptophan, which helps the body produce Serotonin, and that helps the body relax.

6. Set up a “sleep schedule”.

If you go to sleep everyday at the same time your body will know when it’s bedtime and will get tired around the time that you go to sleep, it also helps to wake up at the same time.

7. Your bedroom is for sleep and sex only.

If you watch tv, read books, balance the checkbook, or do anything other than sleep or sex on the bed then your body might be confused as to what you’re doing.

8. No screen time before bed.

If you watch tv or sit in front of the computer before bed, your brain puts you into a state of alertness, which makes it hard to go to sleep.

9. If you wake up during the night and can’t fall asleep don’t worry.

If you find you can’t go to sleep going to the bathroom or just waking up, don’t lay in bed, get out of the bedroom, sit on the couch, go into a room with a dim light, read the warranty on your fridge, these will all make you tired and won’t make you frustrated. The reason is, if you stay in bed, you’ll start worrying about falling asleep, which will make going to sleep harder.

10. If all else fails try a sleep aid.

Nobody’s perfect, we all have trouble falling asleep. Unfortunately some of us have a lot of trouble falling asleep. Luckily there are sleep aids, not sleeping pills; those usually do more harm than good. You can try many things, try a soft fountain in the room, headphones with the gentle sound of nature, and there’s even an aroma that’s proven to help you go to sleep.

If you have trouble falling asleep or you haven’t really had a good night’s rest lately, try one of these out and you’ll be surprised how much easier it is to sleep well.


Friday, May 22, 2009

4 Healthy Tips On How To Have A High Quality Life...

by: William Winch
The quality and the length of your life is vastly influenced by how you live. If you stuff your face with junk food at every meal, you will probably live a shortened, lower quality life. Lots of doctor visits, medications and problems. Conversely, if you live like a health nut, you will probably live a high quality life with lots of energy and optimism. 

For people who are obese, living a high quality life seems unattainable. So much work is involved that most people just can not find the courage to re-invent they give up. What they may not realize is that there is a safe middle ground where they can be healthy without spending all day exercising and eating fruits and vegetables. 

It is not about how many crunches you can do, or how fast you can run a mile. It is not about eating rice cakes instead of chocolate bars and it is not about starving yourself to the point where you almost pass out from trying to function on an empty tank of gas. It is about making small changes that make the most difference in your lifestyle. 

Healthy Tips #1: Diet And Nutrition 

Having had chronic asthma my entire life, I could not exercise. Most people take for granted the one thing I would have loved to physically be able to do. Once I began providing my body with proper nutrition, however, miracles began to happen. Not only did I lose 70 pounds (and have kept if off for over 15 years now), but I am now medication free, I can exercise and have a high quality life. 

The key here though is that I lost weight and got healthy without exercise. I still eat, but I modified my diet to include a soy-based meal replacement shake once or even twice a day. I know what you are thinking. How can I enjoy a bland shake instead of yummy meal? Because the shake is delicious and it makes me feel good afterwards...not only physically but mentally. 

Healthy Tips #2: Exercise 

You do not have to be one of these power lifters who spend 10 hours a day at the gym to achieve healthy weight loss. You do not even need to work out for an hour. Simply move more. Park at the back of the parking lot instead of driving around waiting to get a space up close to the door. Exercise is not necessary but if a little bit is added to your day, it can accellerate your weight loss efforts and allow you to live a healthier life. 

Remember sit-ups and push-ups? Haven't heard those scary words in a long time I bet. Words cannot describe how much better I look and feel since I began doing these two exercise before going to sleep and when I wake up in the morning. I'm not talking about 100 each here. 20 each. That is it. It does not even take 5 minutes. Now I can not even think of resting until I do them. Why? Because I made a small lifestyle change for the better. 

Healthy Tips #3: Smoking And Drinking 

Make a decision now to eliminate one of these (or both if you are smart) and you will be well on your way to not only losing weight but promoting a high qualify life. Everyone knows it is not OK to smoke. You were not born with a need to pollute your lungs with tar or dehydrate your brain until it is shriveled up like a styrophoam peanut. People do it to fit in while other people and all it does is bring you down to their level. You are better than that. 

Healthy Tips #4: Stress 

When you reduce the amount of stress in your life, you will be amazed at how easy it is to lose weight in a healthy way. Write down eveything that you think is giving you stress on a daily basis. No, you should not go out and quit your job..but you can always look for a different job that is less stressful. Do not let other people think they can tie you down and control you. This is America and you are free to live without stress and have a high quality life. 

The more people are stressed out, the more they seek out comfort foods that are no good for them. Want to feel better? Have your favorite cookie! Then regret it afterwards and feel even worse that you did before! Had a bad day at work? You deserve a fatty meal at the Cheesecake Factory! Then you can walk into work the next day weighing even more and feeling worse about yourself. See how this is a vicious cycle that can be broken by simply avoiding stressful situations? 

The conservative American Medical Association has stated that 60% of deaths before age 65 are preventable, usually by simple life style changes. I have listed four of the most important ones above. Start making small changes in each of these areas and you will begin to become the person you always wanted to be. It does not have to be a mountain you must climb to achieve your dreams but rather a few small hills to walk over for a high quality life. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Treat Your Body to Massage Therapy in Brandon

by: Manny Lontoc

Getting massage therapy in Brandon is surely one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Your body will definitely thank you for it by performing better physically, mentally and emotionally.

You can get a massage not only in Brandon, though. You can also get a massage at Valrico or a similar massage at Riverview. This should not be different from the massage at Bloomingdale, either. Whether you get your massage at 33511 or somewhere else, it will definitely be beneficial for as long as you get it from professional massage therapists.

Healing Effects of Massage Therapy in Brandon

Massage therapy in Brandon has multiple healing effects on the body. Feeling good physically instantly lifts one’s mood, making you feel good mentally and emotionally, as well. Massage in Brandon has been known to raise the levels of serotonin and dopamine, hormones that trigger a feeling of wellbeing. On the other hand, massage by Brandon therapists has also been known to lower levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is called the “stress hormone” because it is triggered by stress and causes havoc on one’s immune system. Lowering one’s cortisol levels prevents it from doing harm to the body.

Improved mood from massage therapy in Brandon has the additional effect of lowering the blood pressure. Having massage sessions more often from Brandon therapists has been proven to lower blood pressure even more and maintain it at those low levels. This is a major health benefit since high blood pressure can lead to heart disease, stroke and heart attack.
Another effect observed from massage therapy in Brandon is improved sleep patterns. Sleeplessness is often related to chronic headaches and depression. Once sleep patterns are normalized after regular massage sessions with Brandon therapists, though, there is marked improvement in patients suffering from chronic headaches and depression.

Sleeplessness is also one of the triggers of fibromyalgia, a chronic condition in which patients suffer muscle pain, tenderness and fatigue. Massage greatly helps fibromyalgia sufferers in Brandon not only by improving sleep patterns but also in relieving muscle pain.

Massage has been found to be effective in relieving and treating back pain in Brandon, as well. Since pain killers have been proven to have dangerous side effects when taken at high doses, this alternative treatment is indeed very welcome.

Almost as common as back pain these days is carpal tunnel syndrome, usually related to computer work or sports such as tennis. The meridian nerve at the wrist is pinched, leading to pain or numbness in the palm and fingers. Aside from discomfort, sufferers also become unproductive. Regular massage sessions with Brandon therapists can lessen the pain and allow more use of the affected hand sooner.

In general, massage therapy by Brandon specialists improves muscle suppleness, flexibility and range of motion all over the body. Whether for senior citizens, couch potatoes or sports enthusiasts, this is a definite plus.

Various Massage Techniques in Brandon

You can get all these health benefits from any massage therapy regimen in Brandon. It would be even more beneficial to find a massage therapist in Brandon who could design a customized massage therapy for your body’s specific needs. There are various massage techniques to choose from.

Swedish massage in Brandon is recommended for general relaxation. Deep tissue massage in Brandon, on the other hand, is a more intense procedure intended to loosen chronically tight and knotted muscles. For athletes or even beginners in sports, sports massage by Brandon therapists helps prepare for a game and helps in post-game recovery. Pregnancy massage is for expectant mothers in Brandon.

Give your body a treat that it really needs with the massage therapy that’s just right for you.

Article Source:


Diabetes and High Blood Pressure - Are You Self-Inflicting?

by: Jamesina Goulbourne

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure could be linked through insulin resistance. Examining the occurrence of Metabolic Syndrome X gives us insight into why it`s a case for concern.

It could spell trouble. The by-products of eating a poor diet are diabetes and high blood pressure. Almost 75% of diabetics are type 2, with 50% going on to develop high blood pressure, being unaware of the seriousness of their condition.

Metabolic Syndrome X - A Cluster of Symptoms

Before diabetes and high blood pressure are full blown other symptoms may show up. Weight gain especially around the middle, a high level of triglycerides in the blood, a decrease in HDL cholesterol, and insulin resistance.

A person experiencing all 3 symptoms along with the diabetes and high blood pressure, likely have what is know as Metabolic Syndrome X, due to the reason that cells and organs which are associated with those sicknesses, suffer malfunctions of metabolic processes. But they are all linked to a common cause; the regular consumption of high glycemic foods. These foods are white bread and rolls, white rice, sugar, baked ?potatoes, broad beans, chips, and many breakfast cereals. These foods are only a small selection from a list of many high glycemic foods.

The Symptoms of Insulin Resistance

Even if we eat high glycemic food, the remarkable pancreas can function quite efficiently. It`s an amazing organ. The insulin hormone released from it`s beta cells, will stimulate "gateways" (cell receptors), to receive glucose (sugar). It all functions perfectly. Insulin will also stimulate your liver and muscle cells to store any excess glucose as glycogen when too much is produced, and that reserve will be used when the glucose levels dip, maintaining a regular level of 70-110 mg per dl.

If you habitually eat a diet of glycemic foods, that`s when problems will begin to surface. Glucose levels will be too high in the blood too often, and your beta cells will continue to supply extra insulin to off-set the load. The results are damaging to those liver, muscle, and fat cell receptors. When that occurs, then the beta cells will work ever so harder, to produce more insulin, trying to force insulin into the cells. More cell receptors are destroyed and the cycle of destruction repeats.

Your cells at this phase, become insulin resistant, with Diabetes and high blood pressure looming as a real threat, along with the other metabolic syndrome X symptoms.

With all the bombardment of insulin, your fat cell receptors become resistant to it causing triglycerides to break down and enter the blood and raise the fat count. Your muscle cells are reduced to the amount of glucose they can take in, because they too have become insulin resistant, raising the glucose in the blood higher. Then there are your liver cells which fail to store any excess glucose as glycogen when they become insulin resistant, keeping glucose levels high. Welcome to the world of diabetes! Your blood pressure begins to rise because the insulin metabolism is gone haywire, and to top it all you will probably develop -

Narrowed blood vessels
Hardened arteries
Damage to artery walls
Damage to the kidneys
Fat burning mechanism switches off
Weight gain
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

What happens now to your wonderful working pancreas? You overworked them so much that the beta cells are beginning to burn out. Soon you will need insulin injections, on top of all the other serious health issues you will now have to cope with. Is this your story? I hope not. Don’t self-harm. Change your diet before it changes you.

Article Source:


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mysterious disease

Have been equally we know, that has spread a virus that is very strange named "Swine flu". After previously have the Bird Flu spreads very quickly to our country of Indonesia, now the spread of swine flu was also very fast.
We look forward to our government to be able to anticipate the possibility of the worst will happen, our country there is not too indentik with this animal, because the majority of the population in Indonesia is a Muslim. As countries other Muslims, Pigs are clean animals to eat so rarely found in the community who keep pigs around the house may be only part of East Indonesia still maintain that.
We hope this incident will be completed quickly, so it does not disturb the peace of the world.